About us

We are ordinary people, change-makers who believe that every helping hand can raise a child and create a better future for them.

We started with 2 young orphan siblings accused of witchcraft by their extended family.
As we learned about many similar cases, We started extending help to needy
children from very poor families and communities who experienced hunger and with no access to school. This moment intensified when we found that there were an alarming rate of underprivileged children who needed help with food, shelter and education.
We now run a shelter that contains a primary and secondary school.

Our Vision

Our Mission

We envisage a society of equal opportunities, where children regardless of their status will be able to reach their full potential.

Supporting unprivileged children, victims of poverty, famine, social and family discrimination, by providing and meeting their needs for food, shelter school supplies, education, clothing, etc.

We are making sure all children and teenagers under our care get all the support
they need, whether it is reassuring conversation, shelter, food, education, health
care, or any other aspect of life.

We want to strengthen our Local Communities and therefore become a leading model for child
mentorship so we can build resilient communities where no child feels alone and gets every
possible assistance that we can provide as soon as possible.


In 2004, like a good shepherd taking care of his flocks, Rev. Cassule while on his routine community visitation suddenly noticed a multitude of people wailing about a harsh punishment against 2 children (Siblings) accused of witchcraft – their hands were being burned with fire by relatives. Without a moment’s hesitation Rev. Cassule intervened on behalf of those children and took them to the authorities. Unfortunately there was no system in place to accommodate the children. After failed attempts to take the kids to a government subsidized shelter, only one option remained: care for the children himself until they
received the necessary medical attention. Two days later when Rev. Cassule went back to the community he learned that the subject family had moved away from the neighborhood. Rev. Cassule became the sole caregiver of the 2 young children in his own home. Shortly thereafter and upon observing the community’s
needs he started a drop-in centre to help street children. His attention and dedication to helping those children in a very poor community of Luanda (Kikolo), gave birth to the now known “Projecto Social Pequena Semente (Little Seed)”. Today Pequena Semente is a Leading Humanitarian Organization based in Angola dealing with child poverty and developing child centered programs to combat child poverty and abuse while o”ering tools to prepare them for the future.

Together We Can


Together we can build a community where children and teens can be resilient, feel safe, and valued

  • We Welcome and care for
  • We Shelter
  • We Feed
  • We Instruct and prepare the children to become independent and industrious men and women

We believe it is possible to break the cycle of extreme poverty, but we won’t be able to do it on our own

Please be generous as you can and support this cause.


Support us and change the course of a child’s life today!

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Rua dos Anjos, Casa S/N, Bairro
Kifangondo, Cacuaco
+1 (416) 262-4699

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